Let’s talk about Birthdays 🎉 💃💃💃💃.

It just so happens that today is my birthday, and it is just so funny that the whole excitement, and norms that comes with it is not showing.

Well some will say it is as a result of growth in age, some will say it might be because of the situation in the country, some might even find other excuses, however, I believe that the day is a special day to sit and reminisce about all that went on in the previous year, and one’s expectations in the new year.

And that is exactly what I want to do this day.

Note that it is expedient for us to set the right priorities and make a solid ‘possible’ plan for the new year.

Why ‘possible’ you say?

Yes ‘possible plans’ because God’s plans are the best and it is in our best interest to allow the plans of God to prevail.

So start making that list of the things you think showcases the faithfulness of God in your life. Don’t wait till it is your birthday, you can make it a monthly habit to reminisce on it all and give glory back to God.

I am off to compile my list 💃💃.

Kefee – Woruno
This hymn truly resounds with me in this season, and I am most grateful to God for the totality of my life including the years I am yet to spend on earth.

NLS Journey Succinct Journal

I’m happy to share that I’ve completed my Bachelor of Laws – BL at Nigerian Law School! Yola Campus precisely.

Yes, it was a tedious journey and there was a great test of faith, but strength came to keep on going in obedience and God came through finally.

The hurdles passed, the struggles made, the pains overcome, the tears cleaned up with resolve not to allow them to flow again, the efforts which seemed not enough, the piercing words of condemnation and soothing words of encouragement, the friends made, the families gotten, the experiences garnered, the knowledge acquired, the lessons learned, and so many late thoughts of ‘I would have done it this way rather than that,’ including the sun braced 😁.

It just couldn’t have been me, but God who is involved in every step taken. That is the reason my utmost appreciation will go to Him.

To my parents and family, AYOMIDE ALO, Alo Mary, Alo Michael, and Alo Omodele, my heart will continually bless you for your tremendous support in all ramifications and encouragement.

To every person God has brought my way in this journey, thank you for all you have done, and may you all receive the reward for your support.

Life generally is not a rosy one, therefore, for as many that will read this post, whatever career you choose or have chosen to venture into, make sure you are holding dearly unto God because he who knows your end even before you were formed, knows the best path to take you through with ease.

SEQUEL: A Time Like That

I thought I lost it all,
I thought the experiences will mar me,
I thought it will forever be a shadow I will live in
I never thought that these will make me a better version of myself,
Yes the exact version God made me to be.

When I was asked to pen down what the thief (John 10:10) stole from me,
I sifted through the experiences and realized,
The thief could not steal anything, rather,
The activities of the thief,

  • Rebounded my faith in God,
  • Strengthened me physically,
  • Gave me absolute courage,
  • Realigned my principles to God’s principles,
  • Made me grow by restricting me to the way of God only,
  • Taught me the spiritual virtues,
  • Enveloped me with God’s gifts,
  • And aligned my vision to God’s own.

Therefore, even though some things that were, aren’t as they were as of now, they are however, the best thing that could have been exchanged for these things I have now.

The experiences were worth the values and treasures I now possess.

This is now our anthem.


Just yesterday, I had an inspiration from the biblical book of St. Like chapter four, and as I do not want to play religion, it is worthy of note that this post is beneficial to all no matter the religion practiced.

So the chapter talks about what transpired after Jesus fasted which was a sign of the beginning of his ministry here on earth and it began with the temptation of Satan.

  • Satan first used Jesus’ situation of hunger to tempt him.
  • Then he used what he has to tempt him.
  • After this he used the identity (power) of Jesus, backing it with the Word to tempt him.

We cannot identify with Christ and not be grounded in him (he is the way, truth, life, and word).

If we say our identity is Christ, then we should remember that whatever or whosoever condemns our identity will have no choice but to do so with the Word (which happens every day when people use the term ‘and you call yourself a Christian)

And when that happens, what do we do as sons of God?

We use the Word of our Father as is in verse 4 ‘Man shall live by every word of God.

Verses 9-11 tell us not to be foolish and to get wisdom as proverbs always mandate. Yes, the Word (Bible) has said so, but it shouldn’t be an excuse to venture into doing things that we are not supposed to do. For instance, because the Bible says even if we drink poison, it will not harm us, that doesn’t mean we should go ahead to take it as breakfast.

In responding to the last temptation which satan used identity, Jesus countered by also using his identity. The question now is,

  • How conversant and knowledgeable are we of our identity?
  • Do we have confidence in who we are and who God has said we are?
  • Are we ready and fully equipped to live out that identity we claim to be?
  • Are we eager to be satisfied of our hunger and thirst for the knowledge of who we identify with (the Godhead)?

Verse 13 says satan departed for a season, which means he will always be lurking about looking for means to get permission from God to make the saints fall (as he is the accuser of the brethren).

Therefore do not think ‘I overcame the trial that came so I can rest for a while and relent in praying and fasting. The Bible mandates in 1st Thessalonians 5:17 that we pray without ceasing and in Ephesians 5:19 that we should speak to ourselves in Psalms.

After The Temptation

The Bible records that Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit.

  • Are we not ones to feel ‘I have arrived’ when there is a slight spiritual achievement?
  • Rather than abounding more and exercising the crown accruing to us for overcoming, to do the things Jesus stated in verses 18, 19, and 43, do we not feel too proud of ourselves and miss out on the greater work God is set to do through us and in us?Are we not ones to feel ‘I have arrived’ when there is a slight spiritual achievement?
  • If peradventure we lived true to our identity and after being tempted, we returned in the power of the Spirit, do we not feel vexed when some set of people despises, look down and condemn you?

We should rather abound more and press onward in exercising the charge God has given unto his people that he has chosen.

Only then will even principalities and powers, and every spirit whatsoever recognize us because we now carry an identity that is greater than they which is Jesus and we will speak and work with his authority (verses 33-44).

These are what I will leave for us to peruse and ponder upon and by so doing, get wisdom.